How to beat the age debate
Are you old enough to be a doctor? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE COME ON. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that when I graduated I’d have a million bajillion dollars. At first I laughed when I heard that, Read more…
Are you old enough to be a doctor? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE COME ON. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that when I graduated I’d have a million bajillion dollars. At first I laughed when I heard that, Read more…
Finding some you jive with and that can help mold you into the rockin’ doctor you are should be easy right?! Everyone who graduates from vet school and becomes a veterinarian is obviously appropriately trained to mentor and guide a Read more…
I was sweaty. Snotty and congested. Red in the face. I’m talking about the kind of ugly cry that makes it so you can hardly get a word out without sounding pre-pubescent. This is not the kind of presentation I’d Read more…