Everyone’s style is different so pick a format that works for you. See our services page for a more in depth look at each package.


Schedule an individual online consult focused on your personal questions and goals

Group sessions

Grab your friends and sit down for a group session with a more laid back feel


Access our catalogue of webinars and get notified when live events are coming


Gain confidence: Learn how to more effectively build your confidence in the clinic setting, including not being afraid to ask for help!

Find your tribe: Discover ways to become more engaged in the veterinary community and take action in building your support system.

Prioritize you: Practice tactics to help prioritize self care, time management, and mental health to stay sharp both in and out of work.

Kirsten Ronngren | DVM | Founder

A born and raised Washington state girl, college football fanatic, traveler, and golden retriever lover with a passion for supporting and guiding our community through the ever changing world of veterinary medicine!

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How I Found a Mentor

Finding some you jive with and that can help mold you into the rockin’ doctor you are should be easy right?! Everyone who graduates from vet school and becomes a veterinarian is obviously appropriately trained Read more…

What the F*@k?

I was sweaty. Snotty and congested. Red in the face. I’m talking about the kind of ugly cry that makes it so you can hardly get a word out without sounding pre-pubescent. This is not Read more…

Get in Touch

The best way to get in contact is via email: kirstenronngren@vetredefined.com
Alternatively, fill in the contact form on the right or follow on social media 
Instagram: www.instagram.com/vet_redefined

Contact Me